What I Want You To Know
Dearest One, I see it in your face. I see the weariness I see the pain I see the fear I see the tension from the hardness of this world I...

Several times during this pandemic, I have written about the philosophy of non-attachment, as the suffering from what we can't let go of...

Living Fully
To say that we have been living in trying times, pales to the reality of what those words mean. From the pandemic, to lost loved ones,...

Moving Through Fear
Fear. It can be paralyzing. Suffocating. It can grab us by the throat and force all logic to be abandoned. We all experience fear. The...

Resilience is defined as our capacity to recover quickly from difficulties, and challenges. But how does one become resilient? Is it...

This. "Sometimes surrender means giving up from trying to understand, and becoming comfortable with not knowing." ~Eckhart Tolle This...

Enlightened Beings
Last month I wrote about what is yoga. What does it mean for you to practice yoga and how can its practice integrate into our daily...

Loving Yourself
From the time that I was born, it was clear that my personality was bright and bold - eager to meet life with a smile. When I learned to...

The Yoga Map
There are maps for just about everything – roads, parks, museums, hiking trails, airports and much more. They help us get to where we...

A Mother's Love
My precious, precious child. You would have been one year old today. One year ago today – we thought we would be bringing you home, Only...